TV Program coverage


Every week on BBT, “Daibutsu no Imada!”
This week, our iCompany director covered the show.
It will air tonight at 6:30pm.
You can also watch it on TVer after the broadcast.

This week’s program is titled “In-Depth Investigation! How Many Big Buddha Statues Are There in Toyama?
It is a variety, but there is a lot to learn, and the places where the Big Buddha exists are also power spots! I think you will feel thankful!

The director who interviewed the artist said, “I never thought there were so many big Buddha statues in Toyama. There are various statues of Amida Nyorai, Bodhisattvas, etc., but the differences between them become clear in this program. This is the Buddha who protects the community. Please come and see them in your neighborhood,” he said.

Our director also participated in the making of the program “Toyama Prefecture Immigration Promotion Minister Koji Higashino” featuring Koji Higashino, which aired recently. The TV broadcast has ended, but you can watch it on FOD. There was a scene where Yoshimoto Kogyo’s Mr. Imada and Mr. Higashino met. We hope you enjoy the show and feel the charm of Toyama Prefecture.

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